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Reviews Coming in on

Posted: April 21st, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: News & Announcements | No Comments »

I’ve been re-loading the page for the book ever since it started shipping to see when reviews would be posted. The first two reviews showed up yesterday and, much to my relief, they’re five-star raves. Whew!.

One reviewer referred to the book as his (or her) “authoritative reference for anything to do with InDesign Styles,” while another described the writing as “clear and easy to follow.”

You never really know how something will be received until it’s released out into the world, and it’s ultimately up to individual readers to evaluate the book’s value for themselves. This is great initial feedback, though, and I’m glad that people have spent enough time with the book this quickly after its release to provide unbiased opinions for other potential buyers.

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